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Continued QRCS support for vulnerable people in Yemen [EN/AR]


June 5th, 2024 ― Doha, Qatar: Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has launched a new integrated, life-saving health and nutrition response project for the poorest people in Yemen.

It is aimed at meeting the emergency and essential needs of 125,898 internally displaced people (IDPs) and locals in the inaccessible parts of Maqbanah District, Taiz Governorate.

With $1 million funding from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), the project covers remote and underserved mountainous areas close to or affected by armed conflict, with a package of health and nutrition measures to improve primary, secondary, and surgical health care services, as well as provide children and women with access to life-saving preventive and therapeutic nutrition services.

QRCS personnel are conducting field supervision of the rehabilitation and operation of six health facilities in the target area, including two hospitals and four health centers.

Currently, the restoration works are in progress at the premises of such facilities, with regular supply of medical equipment, furniture, medications, consumables, and operational expenses.

Moreover, the project involves capacity-building for health workers at the target facilities, with training courses on nutritional counseling programs, mass immunization, infection control, and community management for acute malnutrition treatment. The monthly staff remunerations are also provided.

In the outdoor aspect, mobile clinics are being deployed to remote camps/areas lacking medical services, in order to (1) provide primary health care services, especially reproductive health and pediatrics, (2) promote awareness-raising messages on healthy infant nutrition and infection prevention, and (3) apply the referral system for patients in need of advanced medical care to the supported hospitals and health centers.