Prepared by: Roza Al-Hakimy
Executive Summary:
Women-led organizations face numerous challenges in accessing funding. This policy paper summarizes the four main challenges identified by interviewed women. These challenges include weakness of institutional capacities, particularly in financial and logistical systems; lack of funding opportunities targeting women-led organizations; cultural and social barriers; and insufficient local funding sources, including the private sector and local authorities.
Additionally, women encounter challenges related to the policies implemented by authorities and various political entities towards civil society organizations. The study provides a set of recommendations directed at stakeholders, such as women-led organizations, to enhance their institutional capacities and improve their strategies for resource mobilization and funding attraction. In addition, to pay attention to expand the network of relationships and partnerships.
The paper also recommends the funders of international organizations and development agencies to support women-led organizations through financial, technical, and logistical assistance. Furthermore, it suggests the creation of a guidance manual to assist women’s organizations in accessing funding and it encourages other civil society organizations to assist women-led organizations in marketing themselves, project management, and handling financial and human resources as well. Lastly, to engage in cooperative partnerships and alliances with women-led organizations to exchange knowledge and experiences.