Neighborhood Cleaning Campaign
Project: Communication for Cholera Prevention and Control
Sector: Communications for Development
C4D/Crossing Sectors: WASH, Health
Target Area: Rada’a District, Al-Baidha Governorate
The project in partnership with UNICEF, focuses on improving knowledge and awareness to enable behavior change and adoption of the positive practices for cholera prevention and control among beneficiaries in the targeted area.
Along with the awareness raising sessions and door to door visits, Community Volunteers could not simply ignore the appalling amounts of waste accumulated around the visited neighborhoods. They decided to take action into their own hands and started to conduct small-scale clean-up campaigns accordingly.
Situation: Al-Basiri area, Sooq Al-Lail Road where accumulation of waste along roads and public areas.
The situation in Al-Basiri is not very different from that in neighborhoods around Rada’a District. Accumulation of garbage in places not intended for garbage disposal is a main source to environmental pollution and crises, abundance of flies and stray dogs resulting in the spread of all kind of illnesses and disease.
Actions Taken: The main objective was to remove garbage and waste from the roads and avoid harm to members of the community. Municipality Office in the district along with the cleaning fund were very responsive and provided a pickup truck to help remove the accumulated waste.
According to Ms. Hanadi Al-Qaifi, the CV responsible for the activity, “this clean-up campaign was superb; it was successfully conducted with the participation of everyone in the community”.