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Civil Society Organizations in Yemen for making actual and sustainable peace [EN/AR]


Mr. Hans Grundberg

United Nations Secretary-General Special Envoy for Yemen

We, the undersigned civil society organizations in Yemen, work every day under intolerable conditions to improve the living conditions of millions of Yemenis. We represent the voices on the ground and our work across the country in the areas of emergency humanitarian response, local development, peace-building, youth and women's empowerment, and representing the interests of the poor, marginalized and vulnerable.

CSOs appreciate your efforts to move forward towards a political solution, a just and sustainable peace, and to address the troubling economic and humanitarian conditions at the same time express our regret that the international efforts to end the war in Yemen have been limited to the conflict parties, that have been overtaken by events and have proven to have failed during the past seven years of war; We, therefore, appeal the inclusion of civil society organizations in the UN-led efforts to build peace in Yemen. Without doing so, the prospects for the eventual success of any agreement will be significantly reduced.

Why is that important? Local organizations have become a real weight, an effective and influential presence on the ground, and have close relationships with local communities across Yemen, which have stood with them throughout the war years, providing them with their basic living requirements, restored many of the services destroyed by the warring parties, defended peace and stability and achieved Concrete successes in maintaining community cohesion, resolving local conflicts, delivering relief aid and reopening roads. Therefore, leaving them outside the negotiations severely reduces the prospects for achieving peace in the long term, even if the warring parties agree to a cease-fire.

What should be done? Ether the warring parties reach an agreement on a ceasefire or not. UN peacemaking efforts need to involve civil society, youth, and women's organizations that are deeply involved in peace-building at the local level. The United Nations can achieve more inclusive and effective participation by:

  • Impose quotas for local civil society organizations, youth, and women in the first peace track, direct and indirect political negotiations, and in all stages of the peace process before, during, and after the signature of the agreements.

-Involve civil society organizations in your advisory team, create a media platform for their voices, and coordinate between organizations' chairmen and international actors involved in peace efforts.

-Establish an operation room to support local civil society organizations in Yemen as a communication platform with the Special Envoy Office, United Nations agencies, and international organizations. Organize community dialogues and public action to link the work of the second and third tracks with the first track.

-Create pressure to remove obstacles to humanitarian and relief action and support the local organization's efforts to localize humanitarian action in Yemen.

  • Institutionalize the communication and participation framework between civil society in Yemen and the envoy’s office in a way that enhances transparency and trust and contributes to the success of efforts to stop the war and build peace.

  • Include civil society organizations in Yemen demands in the UN envoy's periodic briefings submitted to the Security Council.

  • Identify the CSOs' priorities and vision of local issues and the peace process.

-Support local organizations' initiatives and activities to spread the coexistence values and peace culture.

Mr. Hans Grundberg:

The active participation of civil society organizations is essential for the peace process's success. Civil society organizations can make valuable contributions to negotiations, including technical expertise, knowledge of hard-to-reach areas, and the local communities' and marginalized groups' perspectives whose voices are often not heard in negotiations.

For this, we look forward to meeting you to listen to us and to agree on an action and cooperation mechanism to build lasting peace in Yemen. We do not only talk about issues but always provide solutions.

Civil Society Organizations

  1. Tamdeen Youth Foundation

  2. Building Foundation for Development

  3. For All Foundation

  4. Al-Aman Organization For Blind Women Care

  5. Generations without Qat

  6. Nahda Makers Foundation

  7. Engaz Development Corporation

  8. Gusoor for Peace and Coexistence

  9. Democracy School

  10. Yemen National Midwives Association

  11. Yemen Peace School Organization

  12. Volunteers Foundation

  13. Youth Without Borders Organization for Development

  14. Sada Foundation for Building &Development

  15. Watch for Human Rights

  16. Peace and Building Foundation

  17. Ithraa Developmental Foundation

  18. Heran Foundation for Local Development

  19. Cadres Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Relief

  20. Knoz Yemen for Humanitarian Development

  21. Together We Rise Social Association

  22. Qarar foundation for media and development

  23. Wahg Al-hyat Foundation

  24. National Foundation for Development and Human Rights

  25. Yemeni Development Network For NGO's

  26. Abs Development Organization For Woman & Child

  27. Life Makers Meeting Place Organization

  28. Sustainable Development Foundation

  29. Soul For Development

  30. Medical Mercy Foundation

  31. All Girls Foundation for Development

  32. Family Counseling & Development Foundation

  33. Yemen Women's Union

  34. Hemmat Shabab Foundation For Development

  35. Relief and Development Peer Foundation

  36. Rawahel Foundation for Development

  37. Wa3i Foundation

  38. Benevolance Coalation For Humanitarian Relief

  39. Field Medical Foundation

  40. Civil Alliance for Peace

  41. Afaq Shababia Foundation

  42. Marib Girls Foundation

  43. Alf Ba Civilian & Coexistence Foundation

  44. Creative People Solutions Foundation

  45. Yemeni Response Council

  46. Resonate! Yemen

  47. LOOK INSIDE Foundation For Development

  48. Khadija Foundation for Development

  49. Jeel Al Bena Association for Humanitarian Development

  50. Ejad Foundation For Development

  51. Ma'akum Foundation for Development

  52. Deem for Development Organization

  53. Musanadah Foundation for Development

  54. Rowad Foundation

  55. Togather for Development & Human Rights

  56. YNGO's Coalition for Child Rights Care

  57. Tatweer For Development and Humanitarian Response Foundation(TATWEER)

  58. Yemen Alkhair for Relief and Development Foundation

  59. Mysarah for Development

  60. Wujoh Foundation for Media and Development

  61. Sheba Youth Foundation for Development

  62. Improve Your Society Organization

  63. Millennium Development Foundation

  64. Rasd Foundation For Human Development

  65. National Prisoner Foundation

  66. Change Horizon Forum

  67. Eayha'a Foundation for calm and social Peace

  68. Social Development Hodeidah Girls Foundation

  69. Basma Foundation for Child Development and Woman

  70. The Center for Strategic Studies to Support Women and Child

  71. Social Peace Promotion & Legal Protection

  72. Yemeni Food Bank

  73. Yemen Medicine Bank

  74. Future Social Charity Association

  75. Yemeni Psychological Association

  76. Estijabah Foundation for Humanitarian Aid and Relief

  77. Manarat Foundation

  78. Social Solidarity Foundation for Development

  79. National Organization for Health Development

  80. Ghadaq for Development

  81. Al-Awn Foundation for Development

  82. Wogood for Human Security

  83. Change Horizons Forum

  84. Ethra Foundation

  85. Eaha’s Foundation for calm & Social Peace

  86. Aid response and development organization

  87. Free Media for Investigative Journalism

  88. Wama Foundation for Development and Human Rights