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Child protection AOR flood response guidelines [EN/AR]



Children are amongst the most vulnerable during times of disasters and emergencies. During disasters such as flooding, children face a heightened risk of dangers and injuries, displacement, family separation, psychosocial distress, disease and death. Regular support structures and daily routines important for children’s wellbeing and feeling of safety and control are majorly disrupted, and parents and caregivers can also experience psychosocial distress, leading to children facing heightened risks of violence and lack of care in their homes. As households attempt to recover from a disaster, negative coping strategies can be engaged such as child sexual exploitation and trafficking, child labour and child marriage. In addition, child protection systems are also often weakened, requiring support to provide case management services for children identified at risk. The overall objective of the Child Protection Sector response is to help the humanitarian community to complement preparedness and response efforts undertaken In Yemen and to ensure an immediate child protection responses to the affected children through the establishment of safe service hubs and implementation of psychosocial support services . The response plan further addresses continuous learning and safe learning environments at home when children are not attending schools and preschools due to COVID-19.