Cash for protection: Guidelines for Protection Partners
This document provides guidance and clarification on the implementation of cash for protection activities in Yemen, with the view of ensuring a common understanding and harmonizing practices. In particular, these guidelines aim to:
provide a definition of cash for protection and specify its objectives;
provide an overview of its scope of application and modalities of implementation;
provide an overview of guiding principles
explain the differences and complementarities between cash for protection and Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA).
Sections 1, 2 and 3 provide the definition, objectives, scope and process for implementing cash for protection, while section 4 creates the link between Cash for Protection and MPCA. The guidance is complemented by an Annex I that provides practical examples on when to use cash for protection as a modality to address identified protection risks. Cash for Protection is considered one of the modalities that is used by protection actors. It is part of a comprehensive protection strategy that encompasses a rang e of services/interventions to address the diverse needs of affected individuals and communities, ultimately contributing to their safety, well-being, and protection.
It is important to note that this Yemen-specific Cash for Protection guidance is being provided with the understanding that it may be subject to revision in the near future to align with forthcoming global interagency guidance. As international standards and best practices evolve, this document will be updated accordingly to ensure ongoing alignment and compliance.