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Bank approves US$ 200,000 emergency assistance for Yemen flood victims

The Islamic Development Bank unveiled today a new grant of US$ 200,000 from Waqf Fund for providing urgent assistance to the victims of the floods which recently hit the eastern part of Yemen. In a message to H.E. Abdulkarim Al-Arhabi, the Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and IDB Governor for Yemen, H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President, IDB, expressed the Bank's willingness to participate in the relief efforts in cooperation with the Yamani Red Crescent, as well as participation in rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure. "The Priority will be given to securing food supplies, tents, blankets and children foods" he said. Flooding in eastern areas of Yemen has left thousands of people homeless while the death toll estimated over 100. It also resulted in eroding farmlands, honey bee farms and hundreds of shops. While the Yemeni Government declared the eastern region "Disaster Area" the flow of relief operations is relatively slow because of road erosions, damage of water supplies and sanitation utilities added to the high levels of water in the flood areas.