This Global Emergency Appeal seeks a total of 9.27 million Swiss francs to enable the IFRC to support National Societies world-wide to scale-up the response to the Zika virus disease, delivering assistance to one million people for 12 months, with a focus on 10 priority intervention areas, including health emergency risk management, preparedness, vector control, community based surveillance, community engagement and psychosocial support. This Appeal is supported and complemented by country and regional-based Plans of Action. The planned response reflects the current situation and information available at this time of the evolving operation, and will be adjusted based on further developments and more detailed assessments. This appeal incorporates and replaces the Emergency Appeal launched for the Americas in February. Details are available in the Emergency Plan.
The disaster and the Red Cross and Red Crescent response to date
May 2015: WHO reports the first local transmission of the Zika virus in the Americas.
November 2015: Brazil announces a national public health emergency.
February 2016: CHF 200,000 allocated from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support initial relief and response activities. Emergency Appeal launched for the Americas for 2.4 million Swiss francs to support the regional response to the Zika virus outbreak in the Americas.
March 2016: Emergency Appeal launched to support the global response for 9.27 million Swiss francs for 1 million people. s of Action (EPoA)