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World Humanitarian Data and Trends 2013


World Humanitarian Data and Trends is an annual OCHA publication that presents global and country-level data and trends analysis on humanitarian crises and assistance. It provides data that helps to support policy-making and operational decisions.

The publication covers three main areas: humanitarian needs in 2012, humanitarian assistance in 2012, and humanitarian trends and analysis. It provides a comprehensive picture of global humanitarian needs and assistance. It highlights major trends in the nature of humanitarian crises, their drivers and the actors that participate in prevention, response and recovery. The 2013 edition includes more analysis, including a new Highlights section (pages 2 to 3) and new, non-traditional information sources.

Highlights from this year’s report include:

  • In 2012, international organizations targeted 65 million people for humanitarian assistance through inter-agency appeals. A total of US$5.5 billion of humanitarian funding was channelled through the appeals, which were 62 per cent funded at the end of the year, on average.

  • Donors provided $17.9 billion of international humanitarian aid in 2012. OECD DAC Governments donated $11.6 billion and non-OECD DAC Governments donated $1.4 billion. The latter includes Turkey, which was the fourth largest Government donor in 2012. Private sources donated $5 billion.

  • 2012 was an average year in terms of natural disasters. Disasters affected 124.5 million people and killed 9,655 during the year. However, economic losses were higher than average. Hurricane Sandy, which struck the Caribbean and the US, was the year’s most expensive disaster.

  • Conflict and persecution forced an average of 23,000 people per day to leave their homes and seek protection. Globally, 45.2 million people were displaced at the end of 2012—the highest number since 1994.

All the data presented in this report can be downloaded through Humanitarian Data Exchange.

Previous editions of the report: 2012.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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