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“From words to action – Promoting gender equality and transformative action through the Grand Bargain: Role of the Friends of Gender Group (FoGG)”


Outcome: FoGG priority action points for 2020

The following priority actions points for the FoGG in 2020 were agreed upon:

• Initiate a dialogue with donors and UN agencies in the Friends of Gender Group around the issue of funding for local WLOs and WROs to explore current challenges and opportunities, in terms of: quality and tracking of funding, accountability of Grand Bargain signatories and increased core funding for local women’s organizations (e.g. through country based pooled funds); as well as enhancing programmatic financing for women’s leadership.

• Share information on the Grand Bargain commitments with local organizations at country level.

• Engage strategically in funding discussions at global level to influence institutional policies and practices; as well as strategic processes at country level to encourage increased support WLOs and WROs through countrybased pooled funding mechanisms and bilateral donor funding.

• Advocate and provide evidence on how gender-responsive programming can result in more effective humanitarian responses by highlighting the role of women and local women’s organizations in their role as first and local/national responders in humanitarian settings.
Link such initiatives with broader discussions on quality and enhanced funding for GEEWG along the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (using different funding sources).

• Identify 2-3 priority countries where Grand Bargain roadmaps are being developed (as part of the Charter4Change work) as follow up to the Regional Localization workshops recommendations and action points and where commitments to GEEWG could be put into practice.

• Consider linking FoGG initiatives to the six EU HumanitarianDevelopment Nexus pilot countries.

• Consider how to include national and local governments in the follow up on the implementation of commitments to gender responsive localization.

• Promote the leadership and meaningful engagement of local women leaders of affected populations and WLOs/WROs in various platforms, including in clusters and HCTs, where individual FoGG members are represented.

• Engage in strategic dialogue with Workstream 5 co-conveners on ongoing initiatives on joint and impartial humanitarian needs assessments to ensure sufficient investment and accessibility of gender statistics, SADD and gender analysis, including the updating of the IASC Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises and the provision of inputs in the HPC Multi-partner Review Survey.

• Strengthen the links between the FoGG and the Participation Revolution workstream to scale up commitments to the establishment of gender responsive accountability mechanisms for crisis affected women and girls, men and boys in humanitarian settings.

• Look into the various workstreams and their workplans and find avenues to influence 2020 workplans and to integrate strong commitments to scale up interventions.