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What Matters Most: Measuring Plans for Inclusive Security


This guide is a resource for policymakers and civil society leaders as they seek to develop, implement, and track progress of national strategies aimed at advancing women’s inclusion.

It explains how to use monitoring and evaluation as a vital tool to make United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 a reality. Inclusive Security recognizes that further action is needed to address other obstacles that stand in the way of the Resolution’s full implementation. These include the shortage of financial support for National Action Plans (NAPs), the extent to which civil society organizations are fully included throughout the lifecycle of NAPs, and whether NAPs should be internally or externally focused (or somewhere in between). We could not address all of these critical issues in this short guide, but they remain priorities.

This is meant to be a living document that we will continue to improve with your help. We invite you to share feedback, suggestions, and information on how you utilize the guide. To achieve the broader goals of UNSCR 1325—and thus move toward a more peaceful and secure society—will require greater commitment from all implementers, on all fronts.