1. What is inter-cluster / sector collaboration?
Inter-cluster/sector collaboration (ICSC)2 refers to the joint actions carried out by relevant
clusters/sectors to coordinate joint responses with their partners towards a common objective. Joint
responses are delivered at the same time, in the same place, for the same people based on prioritization
of needs to achieve a jointly agreed outcome.
Inter-cluster/sector collaboration brings relevant clusters/sectors together to not only share information
but to actively plan and work on joint actions. In this way, ICSC takes a step further than simple
coordination between clusters/ sectors. ICSC reinforces the work of the Inter-cluster coordination group (ICCG), which is usually led by OCHA and facilitates sharing of information and coordination of
humanitarian interventions among different clusters/ sectors at the global and national level.
2. What are the advantages of ICSC?
1. A people-centered approach: Recognizing that different sectors are often working with the
same households/ persons / communities, ICSC promotes a people- centered approach to the
humanitarian response through a holistic lens.
2. It pools knowledge and problem-solving capacity: Through common overarching goals,
objectives, and joint actions, ICSC brings together different clusters/sectors/actors, with
different knowledge and means, to understand and address multi-faceted and large-scale
humanitarian issues.
3. Efficiency: By proposing joint programming at the same place and same time, the declination of
ICSC as joint field implementation can reduce access barriers (cost of transportation, time spent,
risk exposure, etc...).
4. Reduced costs: Finally, joint field implementation can reduce costs (by sharing transportation
and offices costs, mutualizing staff, etc.), hence more resources become available for the