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WFP welcomes Spanish Senate support in fight against global hunger

MADRID – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed the unanimous approval by the Spanish Senate of a motion urging the Government to promote the right to food and to continue playing an active role in the global fight against hunger.

"Spain is among our top partners in the fight against world hunger, providing WFP with the vital resources we need to develop innovative programmes to reach hungry people,” said WFP Deputy Executive Director, External Relations, Ramiro Lopes da Silva. “With this initiative, the Senate is sending a clear message about Spain’s commitment to eliminating hunger among the most vulnerable communities in the world."

The motion – which was approved on Wednesday 4 May - encourages the Spanish Government to maintain its support for multilateral development agencies involved in the fight against hunger, focusing on priority sectors such as agriculture, food security and rural development. Specifically, it seeks to enhance the Spanish Government’s close cooperation with WFP which has continued to grow in recent years.

The resolution also encourages the signing of the Strategic Framework Agreement between the Spanish Government and WFP and the opening of an office in Spain. In addition, it promotes the establishment of a WFP-Spanish Cooperation logistics base in Las Palmas to support emergency operations in West Africa and to collaborate in training in areas related to shipping and port management of humanitarian supplies.

WFP depends entirely on the support of governments, the private sector and members of the public to raise the resources it requires to meet hunger needs across the world.

As well as responding to humanitarian crises in regions like North Africa, where millions have been affected by the upsurge in conflict in Libya, WFP also helps communities recover from the impact of natural disasters such as floods or droughts, using a sophisticated array of tools including vouchers and cash-based initiatives to help families provide the nutritious food that is essential for life.