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Webinar: How can journalists join the efforts to stop the coronavirus pandemic in Eastern Africa?


Resources and best practices for covering COVID-19 in Eastern Africa
Series of Webinars

Organized by

  • World Health Organization (WHO) in Kenya
  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Regional Office for Southern and Eastern Africa

With the support of

  • BBC Media Action
  • Internews
  • IFRC

Trusted information is one the key elements in containing and responding to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Since the beginning of the crisis, rumours and misinformation have undermined and put barriers on society and government efforts to control the disease. The work of journalists, broadcasters, community radios, social media influencers, among others, is essential in keeping the society informed and aware of the situation, and it can, ultimately, save millions of lives.

As the world looks for timely, accurate news about the novel coronavirus, how can journalists best provide their audiences with the information they need? How can the media check information in fast-moving context and remain a trusted source for their audiences? How can media counter misinformation and avoid fueling stigma, fear, xenophobia and conflict? How can journalists protect themselves while covering the outbreak?

This series of webinars will offer the latest information on the outbreak, as well as key guidelines to facilitate the work of journalists covering the coronavirus pandemic in Eastern Africa. The webinars will present an opportunity for expert view, discussion, shared experiences and highlight good practices. After each session, resources will be shared with participants.

Participants The webinars are open to journalists and media professionals, including community-based professionals, covering the COVID-19 pandemic in Eastern Africa. Journalists working for local and national media houses are especially encouraged to apply.

How to attend Participants are requested to register for each Webinar, following the link provided with the programme. Registration will close 24 hours prior to the scheduled webinar and participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting. We encourage all participants to send questions in advance to OCHA Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa ( including Name, Media/Organization and Country and/or via Twitter (@UNOCHA_ROSEA) to facilitate the discussion. Questions via email should be sent before 17h p.m. Nairobi Time of the day of the webinar. After this time, you can still ask questions live during the meeting. Please specify your full name, your country and the media organization.

Language The webinars will be conducted in English

Please check the PDFs with the programmes.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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