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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Project Model


World Vision’s project models are intended to increase WV’s focus, effectiveness and impact. The WASH Project Model is a set of evidence-based practices for the sustained provision of safe water, dignified sanitation and good hygiene practice across a variety of contexts. These practices are integral to achieving WV’s child well-being (CWB) aspirations and objectives. This document provides background information on the WASH Project Model and its relationship to WV’s other global sector approaches, WV’s CWB objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals. It provides a framework for project implementation in WV WASH’s targeted intervention settings: communities and households, schools, healthcare facilities and emergencies. It also describes the model’s underlying theory of change, evidence base, and integration of faith, TD, gender, MVCs and enabling areas. The WASH Project Model, as described in this document, is foundational to all WASH programming, including WASH Business Plan development and WASH field operations planning, design and implementation.