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Unlocking Digital Cash and Voucher Assistance: A guide to digital options


1 Introduction

Digital technology has facilitated greater efficiency, transparency, adaptability and scalability of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programs. Wherever feasible, Oxfam increasingly uses and promotes digital solutions and modalities to create better outcomes for CVA recipients through easier, faster and more secure and accountable means of delivery.

The process of digitalization of CVA projects includes two pathways: 1) use of digital tools for managing the CVA project cycle; and 2) use of digital mechanisms to deliver CVA to recipients. This toolkit has been developed to support Oxfam teams using or planning to use CVA by introducing different digital delivery mechanisms and providing a step-by-step guide to selecting a suitable mechanism aligned with a specific CVA programmatic context. It also presents a decision tree for selecting an appropriate delivery mechanism during hyperinflation and liquidity crisis.