Universal health coverage (UHC) ensures that everyone can access quality health services without financial hardship, as envisioned by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13).
Reaching UHC targets by 2030 is possible, if current health systems’ challenges are addressed. Currently, only 44% of Africa’s population can access essential health services and 13.7 % have been pushed into poverty by high health expenses.
To ensure health for all, WHO supports countries in providing age-appropriate health services using evidence-based strategies. It emphasizes the importance of interventions at key stages of life from the pre-birth stage to old age to promote healthy development and prevent diseases.
This report provides an overview of WHO efforts in strengthening health systems for UHC and SDGs from 2022 to 2023, based on the 2017 Framework of Actions in WHO African Region. It specifically focuses on the progress made in improving the health of women, children, adolescents and older people. The report also highlights the importance of strengthening health systems through a PHC approach.
WHO’s unwavering support to Member States aims to ensure that every individual has access to quality health care and to improve overall health security.
The report also identifies opportunities for advancing progress and the challenges in meeting UHC targets and it aims to facilitate learning for future improvements.