UNICEF continues to scale-up and deliver across sectors to address the needs created by the COVID-19 pandemic, with special attention to supporting of refugee, migrant and conflict-affected situations.
Over 2.75 billion people have been reached with COVID-19 messaging, including over 1.1 billion in OCHA’s Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) countries.
Of the 3 million healthcare facility staff and community health workers have been trained in infection prevention and control globally, 275,000 were in GHRP countries.
Almost 34 million children and women in GHRP countries have received essential healthcare services in UNICEF supported facilities; over 83 million children have been supported with distance home-based learning in these settings. 29,000 staff and partners in GHRP countries have been trained on GBV risk mitigation and safe referral strategies for survivors.
UNICEF is working with governments to scale up cash benefits. 7.9 million households in GHRP settings are benefiting from new or additional social assistance measures provided by governments.
As of mid-August, UNICEF has received US$1.03 billion in generous contributions from the public and private sectors. The top contributors to the COVID-19 appeal are the Global Partnership for Education, the United States, the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), the Government of Japan, and private sector donors. In addition, UNICEF utilized approximately US$59 million of regular resources to ensure an effective response on the ground. As of early August, UNICEF had utilized US$594.9 million for the COVID-19 response, of which US$274.5 million was used for supplies and commodities (including PPE) and close to US$180.9 million was transferred and committed to implementing partners. In terms of transfers to implementing partners with funding received against the UNICEF COVID-19 global appeal, 46 per cent of disbursements were transferred to civil society organizations (including 30 per cent for national NGOs, community-based organization and academic institutions, and 16 per cent for international NGOs), 48 per cent were transferred to governments, and 5 per cent to UN agencies and other bi/multi-lateral organizations. In the first half of 2020, UNICEF has transferred more cash to CSO partners than any other recent year, reflecting the importance of partnership between UNICEF and civil society.
For information on the funding status of the US$1.93 billion UNICEF appeal, visit: www.unicef.org/coronavirus/donors-and-partners.