The January meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) has established a new Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery (FG-DR&NRR).
A spate of recent natural disasters has underlined the need for preemptive disaster-response planning. ICT networks must be resilient enough to withstand disasters, but have also proven to be pivotal in providing relief to the people affected by major climatic fluctuations.
The Focus Group will coordinate ITU-T’s current work in this field, and will expand this work into two important new areas: (1) disaster relief for individuals (to notify relatives, friends or employers of a victim’s situation) and (2) disaster relief guidance (to show victims the routes to evacuation shelters, home, etc.).
For these types of standardized emergency communications to exist, ICT network resilience and recovery capabilities need to be such that networks can resume normal service quickly after disaster strikes. TSAG has thus directed the Focus Group to identify all the standardization requirements of network resilience and recovery; a study which may extend beyond current ITU work in this field.
The Focus Group’s scope is as follows:
identify requirements for disaster relief and network resilience and familiarize the ITU-T and standardization communities with those requirements;
identify existing standards and existing work related to the requirements mentioned above;
identify any additional standards that may need to be developed and identify future work items for specific ITU-T Study groups and related actions;
encourage collaboration among ITU-T Study Groups, in particular SG2, SG5, SG13, SG15, and SG17, ITU-R, ITU-D and relevant organizations and communities, including the PCP/TDR.
The Focus Group will collaborate with worldwide relevant communities (e.g., research institutes, forums, academia) including other SDOs and consortia.
Comments invited by 10 February 2012
The group’s Terms of Reference are subject to consultation. The Membership is therefore invited to send comments to (TSAG Chairman), with copy to or to (TSAG general mailing list), by no later than Friday, 10 February 2012.