Seventy-first session
Item 69 (b) of the provisional agenda*
Promotion and protection of human rights: human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
In her 2015 report to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/29/38, the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, identified the linkage between trafficking in persons and conflict as one of the areas under her mandate on which she intended to focus and to carry out further research.
In follow-up to her report presented to the Human Rights Council at its twentysixth session (A/HRC/32/41, the present report raises international awareness of the forms and nature of trafficking related to the complex situation of conflict. The first section provides the contextual background and identifies trafficking in persons as an increasingly common feature of modern conflict.
The second section focuses on the contextual perspective by considering the most common forms of trafficking in conflict from three perspectives: (a) trafficking of persons fleeing conflict, addressing the situation of trafficking of persons internally displaced by conflict and that of refugees and asylum seekers fleeing conflict; (b) trafficking during conflict, which investigates trafficking in persons, including boys, girls and migrants, for military service and for purposes of sexual and labour exploitation; and (c) trafficking in post-conflict situations, including trafficking involving peacekeepers.
Lastly, the report offers recommendations to address trafficking in conflict and post-conflict situations in collaboration with States, the United Nations, civil society and the international community in relation to: (a) trafficking of persons in conflict areas or trafficking of persons fleeing conflict; (b) protecting children from trafficking; (c) strengthening responses to address trafficking of women and girls for purposes of sexual exploitation in conflict and post-conflict situations; (d) prevention of trafficking in persons for labour exploitation in conflict and post-conflict areas; and (e) anti-trafficking activities in peacekeeping operations.