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Terms of Reference: CADRI Partnership in West and Central Africa



The Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) is a partnership composed of 6 UN agencies (FAO, UNDP, UNICEF, OCHA, WFP and WHO) and 6 observers (IFRC, UNESCO, UNITAR, UNOPS, WB/GFDRR and WMO). The CADRI partnership was established to strengthen coherence of UN System and other stakeholder’s interventions in support of capacity development in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) at country level.

Drawing upon the vast expertise of its members, CADRI offers a unique combination of knowledge, experience and resources to support countries at risk implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. It can leverage a network of DRR / DRM experts in 20 regional hubs with expertise in 9 areas: environment, health, WASH, education, food security and agriculture, nutrition, infrastructures, migrations and climate risks.

The objective of the CADRI Partnership is to support the identification of critical capacity gaps at country level in view of prevailing risks and the articulation of coherent UN System and other stakeholder’s interventions to address those capacity gaps. CADRI is a key enabler of the revised UN Plan of Action on Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience1 as it addresses the need for coherence and mutual re-enforcement of the UN’s resilience building efforts, and it seeks to ensure that the UN system is responsive to the different country needs and contexts in regards to disaster risk reduction. The Partnership extends the potential for coherence beyond the UN system, particularly through participation of the IFRC and the World Bank.

CADRI main service lines are:

(i) Facilitating an assessment of national capacities in Disaster Risk Reduction including preparedness and response;

(ii) Facilitating multi-stakeholders engagement around national priorities articulated in a costed national plan of action for DRR – a key global target of the Sendai Framework;

(iii) Connecting countries with available expertise, knowledge and resources for DRR;

(iv) Providing a comprehensive offer of trainings in DRR

The adjusted CADRI partnership strategy post 2015 makes the case for activating the CADRI Partnership in the regions with a view to promote stronger alignment of CADRI interventions with regional priorities, as well as to ensure closer follow up with the UNCTs; stronger buy-in at regional and country level, and better dissemination of CADRI findings, recommendations and lessons learnt to stakeholders in the regions.

The West and Central Africa region is the region that has benefited most from CADRI. Since 2010 the CADRI Partnership has supported 10 countries in the sub-region to conduct capacity assessments and develop national plan of action for DRR (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome e Principe). There is a pool of 20 trained DRR/ DRM experts that can be deployed from Dakar, Accra, Brazzaville or Ouagadougou.


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