In 2017, IOM elaborated a four-year plan of action to guide the Organization’s disaster risk reduction activities in support of States’ efforts to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The IOM Strategic Work Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience 2017-2020 was designed to help measure progress against the benchmarks of the Sendai Framework and the UN Plan of Action on Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience, while seeking to foster a more coherent, all-of-organization approach to reducing risks and strengthening resilience. This report is a first stock-taking of the progress of implementation of the action plan since its launch last year.
The report highlights the following key findings:
It remains crucial to ensure that migrants, displaced persons and mobility issues are better incorporated in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) policy, strategy and planning, in order to more effectively address the mobility dimensions of disasters, in line with the provisions of the Sendai Framework. The report highlights the need to sustain capacity support to help governments incorporate mobility dimensions in DRR efforts, including in support of Target (e) in the Sendai Framework, which seeks to increase the number of countries with disaster risk reduction strategies;
IOM maintains a considerable footprint globally in terms of supporting its Member States to address mobility dimensions of disasters, including by reducing disaster displacement. During the course of 2017, IOM implemented a total of 84 projects in 71 countries in support of efforts to strengthen disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. IOM saw particular increases in support to multi-hazard risk assessments (21 countries), incorporating migrants in disaster preparedness, response and recovery (37 countries), and developing/upgrading DRR strategies and plans (17 countries). IOM trained 6,447 government officials and 28,322 community members, and provided direct DRR support to approximately 1.4 million individuals in 675 vulnerable communities;
IOM is increasingly working on mobility and disaster risk reduction as part of an integrated, system-wide effort alongside UN and other partners, and aligning programming behind the UN Plan of Action. Innovative and strategic partnerships at local, national and international levels proved pivotal in the delivery of risk reduction support in 2017.
It is expected that hazards and disasters, fueled by a variety of risk factors, including climate change, environmental degradation, conflicts, population growth and unplanned and rapid urbanization, will continue to displace millions within their countries of origin, and compel more and more people to migrate, often irregularly, across borders. Disaster-related population movements will, therefore, have significant humanitarian and development implications for Governments, societies and communities during the years to come. IOM will continue to play a key role in ensuring that migrants, including displaced populations, as well as women, youth and other vulnerable groups are included in disaster risk reduction strategies and planning at national and local levels. IOM will intensify these and other DRR efforts by leveraging its comparative advantage and global strategic partnerships, while working concurrently to reinforce capacity at the local level to sustain outcomes. IOM is committed to working with States and communities to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience, while promoting the vital benefits and opportunities that mobility can bring, when safe and dignified, for those seeking a better life.