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Sustainability Report 2014


Our Commitment to Sustainability

Long-term economic growth and the reduction of poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean depend on development that is both socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. Recognizing this, at the IDB, we have made a commitment to maximizing positive environmental and social outcomes of our work, while minimizing risks and negative impacts to people and natural capital. Our Annual Sustainability Report provides a summary of our advances

Five things you need to know about the IDB and Sustainability

We are delivering on our sustainability commitments: Thirty-three percent of IDB lending in 2014 targeted environmental sustainability, climate change initiatives and renewable energy, totaling US$4.4 billion, surpassing our goal of 25 percent by 2015.

We are adding value to our projects through the implementation of safeguards, which are the measure we put in place in all project to minimize environmental and social harm and to maximize positive environmental and social outcomes of our work: eighty-eight percent of projects with high environmental and social risks rated satisfactory in safeguard mitigation measures, exceeding our goal of 85% by 2015.

We are implementing a new strategy and vision for sustainable infrastructure, one that sees a shift from infrastructure being a fixed asset to infrastructure that is planned, built, and maintained as a service for people.

We innovate through special initiatives that support the sustainability agenda: we place an emphasis on urban sustainability through the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative, and we are integrating biodiversity and ecosystem values into key economic sectors through BIO, and we continue to leverage support from the Climate Investment Funds, the GEF and various donor agencies.

We are improving gender and diversity mainstreaming: incorporating gender related results and sex-disaggregated indicators into more of our projects, to ensure that the benefits are felt by all, irrespective of sex, race or ethnicity.