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Supporting our global health workforce

Washington, DC (21 July 2023) – Project HOPE, the global health and humanitarian organization, applauds the inclusion of a budget line by the Senate of dedicated funding focused on health workers. Project HOPE has been focused on this legislation and is pleased to see it move closer to reality, but continued attention is needed to ensure it remains in the final FY24 Appropriations Bill from Congress.

“There is no health system, health security, or pandemic preparedness without adequately trained and paid health workers,” said Jed Meline, Project HOPE’s Director of Policy & Advocacy. “We have no choice but to strengthen our education pipeline, provide greater training and certification, adequately supply and staff health facilities, and rethink the way we compensate and care for those who care for our communities.”

Enabling health workers to adequately serve their communities is at the heart of Project HOPE’s mission, having trained almost 19,000 last year alone. Project HOPE will continue to push for greater attention, funding, and focus on the health workforce at all levels both at home in the U.S. and in every country where we work.

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About Project HOPE

Founded in 1958, Project HOPE is a leading global health and humanitarian organization operating in more than 25 countries around the world. We work side-by-side with local health systems to save lives and improve health. Our mission is at the epicenter of today’s greatest health challenges, including infectious and chronic diseases, disasters and health crises, maternal, neonatal and child health and the policies that impact how health care is delivered. For more information on Project HOPE and its work around the world, visit and follow us on Twitter @ProjectHOPEorg.