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Summary Report: Light Review of the new Cash Coordination Model



In early 2022, the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) endorsed a new model for cash coordination with the goal of ensuring predictable, accountable, and timely coordination of cash assistance that is adaptable and built on the principles of localisation and accountability. Key features of the new model include.

  • The Inter-Sector/Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (IS/ICCG), under the existing chair (OCHA for IASC/mixed coordination or UNHCR for refugee coordination arrangements), is responsible for overall cash coordination.

  • Establishing and/or formalising the Cash Working Group (CWG), to report to the IS/ICCG. CWGs in IASC/mixed settings would have non-programmatic and programmatic co-chairs.

  • Establishing a global Cash Advisory Group (CAG) to support country level cash coordination technically and in terms of capacity building.

As of April 2024, 36 contexts had transitioned to the new model (24 IASC/Mixed settings/12 refugee), with just a few IASC/mixed pending. A light review of the transition was conducted in summer 2024 to assess what has been effective and what key challenges remain, with key findings presented herewith.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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