The second editon of this document is based on an expanded working group including DanChurchAid (DCA), Danish Demining Group (DDG), the HALO Trust (HALO), Humanity & Inclusion (HI), Mines Advisory Group (MAG), Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) and the Swiss Foundaton for Mine Acton (FSD). Other consultatons were made with the Geneva Internatonal Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), the Internatonal Commitee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and UN enttes including the United Natons Mine Acton Service (UNMAS), the United Natons Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Natons Children’s Fund (UNICEF). This document may be shared as long as appropriately referenced.
This document, building on the frst version prepared by the HALO Trust (HALO), Mines Advisory Group (MAG) and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), is an efort to establish common defnitons of benefciaries of mine acton actvites. To ensure a standardised and comparable way of collectng benefciary data that could be utlised by mine acton stakeholders, we drew upon our experience, sharing best practce from mine acton programmes worldwide, and lessons learned in defning and identfying benefciaries.
This efort was initated by a common desire to measure mine acton outputs and outcomes more efectvely. It was and is seen as fundamental that people are at the heart of all aspects of our work, and that in order for operators, donors, and natonal authorites to keep the needs and aspiratons of the people we serve at the centre, we must frst accurately delineate who they are. Only afer identfying who benefts can we fully understand their priorites, and determine how beter to work toward those priorites in an inclusive manner.
We believe that defning and countng benefciaries in meaningful and accurate ways should only be a startng point for the mine acton sector. A robust understanding of the outcomes of our work and potental assessment methodologies is integral to the efectve implementaton, monitoring and evaluaton of mine acton operatons and to our ability to understand and artculate the benefts of our work. We hope that this document and the joint approach applied in its development will lay the foundaton for these further eforts.
The frst editon was fnalised in November 2016 and presented at the 21st Internatonal Meetng of Natonal Mine Acton Directors and United Natons Advisors in 2017. The defnitons have since been more widely used across afected countries, and have been adopted by some key donors and natonal mine acton authorites. This second editon incorporates improvements and clarifcatons to these defnitons based on feld experience and broader consultatons with relevant stakeholders and operators.
This document lays out standard defnitons and guidelines for measuring, recording and reportng benefciary numbers for EORE, land release, victm assistance, and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) spot tasks. The guidelines do not include benefciary defnitons for the two remaining mine acton pillars: advocacy and stockpile destructon.
It is hoped that this document can be used as a guide for other mine acton operators, donors and natonal authorites, to share best practce and contribute to internatonal standards for the sector in benefciary reportng.2 Operators should translate this document into local languages, while further conducting back translation and peer reviews by national authorities and other operators to ensure full understanding of the definitions.