This document provides key considerations and examples of how gender and social inclusion (GESI) can be integrated into potential COVID-19 response options/strategies via existing social protection and / or humanitarian programmes (or a hybrid approach, leveraging social protection delivery systems and capacity). It aims to highlight key considerations for integrating GESI into social protection design and operation, in an effort to increase wellbeing and dignity, while minimising potential negative effects on vulnerable populations.
This document links to the SPACE Strategy Decision Matrix and Delivery Systems Matrix, providing further detail on GESI issues for both documents.
There are potential trade-offs between design and implementation options that will need to be decided in each context according to programming objectives and priorities. In addition, not all options will be feasible or desirable in every context.
However, the aim is to build on existing gender-sensitive social protection features and ensure that i) GESI issues have been strategically considered across all the potential options, ii) that all social protection responses will, at a minimum, be GESI-sensitive and not exacerbate gender and social inequalities, and iii) that longer-term objectives of equality and empowerment are considered and, where possible, factored in to immediate responses, as well as considering how to ensure inclusive medium-to longer-term recovery.
The document is divided into two parts:
Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on vulnerable groups.
Social protection strategy decision matrix – considerations for integrating GESI into social protection responses.