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Solutions That Save Lives & Support Development – 2017 Edition

by Alina O'Keeffe, Aid & International Development Forum

Modern science and technology transformed how the humanitarian community addresses current and emerging challenges. Disaster response and preparedness, emergency procurement, agricultural productivity as well as health & WASH practices are more effective thanks to innovative solutions aimed to support vulnerable populations and progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

As part of the third annual edition of the guide to “Solutions That Save Lives & Support Development”, Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) has researched cutting-edge technologies, products and services that are making an impact on humanitarian aid, international development and disaster relief.

This year’s survey resulted in over 300 nominated solutions suggested by aid agencies, NGOs, United Nations and the private sector companies across the world. The 2017 edition of the guide offers a list of the most innovative solutions from mobile applications and data management tools to portable water purification treatments, solar powered energy supply and sustainable building materials for emergency shelter. The guide also includes innovations in emergency management, procurement and sourcing of essential aid supplies, healthcare equipment and medical devices, agriculture and education.

The Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) is grateful to everyone who participated in the survey and would like to congratulate organisations which have been featured in the 2017 edition of the guide.

We hope this report will inspire new innovations to help shape brighter future outcomes for the conflict affected, the poor and the vulnerable.

Here are just some of the organisations at the forefront of sustainable innovation in the aid and development arena, recommended to us by you:

Jump to Categories:


Disaster Resilience & Reconstruction

Energy & Power Supply

Essential Aid Supplies

Food & Agriculture

Healthcare & Medical Equipment

Information, Communication & Technology (ICT)

Training & Education

Water & Sanitation

If you are interested in hearing more about these innovations, or you have one to showcase to the high-profile audience, join one of the AIDF’s future events:

Aid & Development Asia Summit, Myanmar, 13-14 June 2017

Global Disaster Relief & Development Summit, Washington D.C., 6-7 September 2017

Aid & Development Africa Summit, Kenya, February 2018

All of the Summits offer a number of speaker panels, interactive formats, sought-after roundtable discussions, innovation pitches from selected solution providers and unparalleled networking opportunities:

Meet and network with senior humanitarian and development professionals, industry experts, and decision makers from regional governments, UN agencies, donors, NGOs and research institutes Hear from leading solution providers and share best practice and case studies from implementation of your technology, product or service.

For more information or if you have any questions, email