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Shocks, stresses and universal health coverage: pathways to address resilience and health

Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is critical to ensuring sustainable and resilient lives for all, and therefore to meeting the goals set out under the Sustainable Development Agenda. But health and wellbeing are also subject to other risk drivers, such as climate change and disasters, which disrupt the health and financial benefits that UHC can offer.

This report explores:

  • why UHC is important for health and wellbeing, sustainable development and resilience
  • how disasters and drivers of risk, such as climate change, negatively impact health and wellbeing and disrupt the desired health and financial benefits of UHC
  • the potential of UHC to offer a platform to more actively address shocks and stresses to health and wellbeing through governance, financing and the implementation of services.

Read the full report here