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Research and Evaluation Agenda



This document outlines the Research and Evaluation Agenda 2018-2022 (hereafter the Agenda) for Plan International.

Under the umbrella of Plan International’s Global Strategy 2017-2022, including the Global Theory of Change, the Areas of Global Distinctiveness (AoGDs) and the Global Advocacy Priorities, it identifies areas to best focus our efforts and resources in generating relevant evidence that will fill sectoral knowledge gaps and enhance our influencing and programming.

The development of this document was facilitated by the Monitoring Evaluation Research and Learning (MERL) Team at International Headquarters (IH), and included a three-day workshop with IH,
National Organisation and Regional Office subject matter experts, and consultation with Country Offices and the AoGD technical networks. Annotated bibliographies were commissioned during the period to support the identification of knowledge gaps on each of the AoGDs taking the Global Advocacy Priorities into account. The final Agenda was drafted by a core group of programme and influencing specialists together with the MERL team.

Purpose & Objectives

The Agenda has been developed to support the achievement of the Global Strategy, contributing to our target of reaching 100 million girls to help them learn, lead, decide and thrive. It aims to promote collaborative effort around agreed priorities; enhance understanding of the realities of children, adolescents and youth – particularly girls - and their priorities and perceptions; and support knowledge on the effectiveness and scalability of our gender transformative programming and influencing work.
The objectives of the Agenda are as follows:

01 To drive alignment of research and strategic evaluation (R&E) studies with global priorities under the Global Strategy and Global Advocacy Priorities

02 To increase efficiency and effectiveness of Plan International’s R&E by reducing duplication and encouraging enquiry into new areas

03 To highlight where Plan International can contribute to an evidence base on the effectiveness, sustainability and scalability of certain gender transformative programming and influencing approaches through strategic evaluations of what works

04 To generate evidence that enables Plan International to make meaningful contributions to dialogues and decisions on children’s and girls’ rights and gender equality

05 To galvanise the commitment to quality and relevant evidence that will position Plan International as a thought-leader in girls’ rights