Seventy-ninth session
Item 67 (a) of the provisional agenda*
Promotion and protection of the rights of children: promotion and protection of the rights of children
The present report is submitted to the General Assembly pursuant to its resolution 78/187 on the rights of the child, in which it requested the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to continue to submit reports to the Assembly on the activities undertaken in the fulfilment of her mandate and on the progress achieved in advancing the children and armed conflict agenda. In the report, which covers the period from August 2023 to July 2024, the Special Representative describes trends, issues of concern and progress made. She also provides information on raising global awareness and building partnerships, including her engagement with regional and subregional organizations and international partners. She outlines challenges and priorities on the children and armed conflict agenda and concludes with recommendations to enhance the protection of children affected by armed conflict.
I. Introduction
1. In its resolution 78/187, the General Assembly requested the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to continue to submit reports to it and to the Human Rights Council on the activities undertaken in the fulfilment of her mandate, including on progress achieved and challenges remaining on the children and armed conflict agenda. The request stemmed from the mandate given by the Assembly in its resolution 51/77, in which it recommended, inter alia, that the Special Representative raise awareness and promote the collection of information about the plight of children affected by armed conflict and foster international cooperation to ensure respect for children’s rights.
2. In line with that mandate, and as requested by the General Assembly in its resolution 78/187, in the present report, the Special Representative provides information on current trends regarding children affected by armed conflict and gives an overview of emerging issues and challenges. She also highlights the ongoing engagement with parties to conflict to end and prevent grave violations, as well as efforts undertaken with a broad range of actors to raise global awareness and catalyse action on the issue. In addition, she stresses the importance of investing in and sustaining adequate resources for children and armed conflict in the current funding environment and the drawdowns of United Nations peace operations.