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Remote Education Benchmarking Toolkit: Technical and Vocational Skills Development


In order to obtain a clearer view of the status of education during the COVID-19 period, ADEA conducted two rapid surveys between March and June 2020 on the national situation of the education sector in 14 most-affected African countries. The main rationale and purpose of this engagement has been to provide guidance to the countries on how to better prepare for the future insulation of education to crises like COVID-19 while upping the resilience of education systems. To facilitate the way forward, ADEA has developed this TVSD Remote Education Benchmarking Toolkit jointly with countries and partners, that will inter alia, assist and handhold member countries in their change management model and bolster their TVSD remote learning readiness, act as a guide to progressively increase the level of sophistication in TVSD delivery through a checklist of normative standards applicable to TVSD and finally, provide a benchmark for Ministries responsible for TVSD and skills development to revise their national emergency response plans. The purpose is simple - make remote education in TVSD more accepted, resilient and sustainable.