What is the MENA OOSCI?
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Out-of-School Children Initiative (OOSCI) is part of the global OOSCI launched by UNICEF and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) in 2010. The overall objectives of the Initiative are to:
• Improve the statistical information and analysis on out-of-school children and understand not only how many children are out of school, but also who they are and where they are;
• Identify the barriers that contribute to their exclusion from education; and
• Analyse the existing and needed policies and strategies related to enhanced participation in education and learning.
The ultimate goal is to contribute to building inclusive and flexible education systems providing learning opportunities within reach of all children. This is key in MENA, where participation in education is affected by protracted crisis and high inequalities in economic and social status among and within countries. OOSCI work is based on the rights of children to a full course of free and compulsory good-quality education (pre-primary, primary and lower secondary).