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Progress report on the implementation of the ICRC’s Plan of Action 2021-2024+ for implementing the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations


This report is part of the ongoing evaluation of the ICRC’s Plan of Action 2021-2024+ for implementing the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations (hereby PoA). It outlines progress made from 2022 until end of 2023 on each of the three pillars of the PoA and provides some reflections on the design and implementation of the PoA. Overall, the evaluation team noted the impressive amount of work achieved in limited time with the resources available. A large number of outputs have been completed, and in some areas these appear to be contributing to early outcomes. This success appears to reflect the skills and energy of the teams who work on PoA activities. The evaluation team also noted some shortcomings in the PoA itself that make it difficult to evaluate, and – possibly – to communicate and implement. While this report is backwards looking, and aims to consider achievements until the end of 2023 compared to the expectations laid out in the PoA, both the successes and challenges identified in this exercise may provide pointers for how further success can be achieved as the organisation moves to internalising the changes outlined in the PoA.