The Committee on Migration called upon member States of the Council of Europe to express their political will to ensure greater protection to refugees and asylum-seekers in Europe by preventing religiously motivated violence and discrimination.
Adopting a draft resolution, based on a report prepared by Egidijus Vareikis (Lithuania, EPP/CD), the parliamentarians underlined that the prevention of violence and discrimination against religious minorities amongst refugees in Europe requires actions at all levels – international, European, national, and most of all – local level. “Countries should make greater effort to alleviate tension and to create a climate of respect and the means to live in dignity for refugees and asylum seekers”, they said.
Among proposed measures, the Committee cited fostering inter-religious and inter-faith dialogue in the context of asylum procedures, resolving faith-based conflicts inside refugee reception centres and temporary accommodation facilities more effectively and with greater respect for the dignity and rights of refugees and asylum seekers, and promoting good practices and grass roots initiatives encouraging interreligious dialogue and peaceful living together, in a gender sensitive manner.