There was no syndrome flagged this week:
Other updates:
Tuvalu declared a dengue outbreak in epi week 12 (week ending 31 Mar 2019). As of 4 April there were 15 Dengue Duo RDT positive cases including 2 hospitalised cases. There have been no deaths reported. [Source: MoH]
French Polynesia: reported one new case of dengue serotype-2 outside Taunoa, where two indigenous cases of dengue serotype-2 were previously reported, the first case reported at the end of March. Dengue serotype-2 was last identified in French Polynesia in 2000. [Source: MoH and Media]
There are ongoing outbreaks in Cook Islands (DENV-1), New Caledonia (DENV-2) and Palau (DENV-3).
A total of 72 measles cases were confirmed in New Zealand between 1 January and 10 April 2019. Twenty-three (23) people with measles have been hospitalised. The age of those infected with measles include an infant aged 27 weeks old (and too young to be vaccinated), children aged 1-5 years, adolescents 10-19 years, young adults 20-39 years, adults aged in their 40s and two adults aged in their 50s. The majority of cases have occurred in children, adolescents and young adults aged under 29 years. Most cases were reported from Canterbury and Waikato, accounting for 54 % and 17% of total measles cases, respectively. [Source: MoH]
The Australia Government has announced that as of 5 April 2019, there had been 83 measles notifications in 2019. This is compared to 103 and 81 cases in all of 2018 and 2017 respectively. Nationally, 93.5% of children under 2 years of age have received 2 doses of measles containing vaccine. There is recognition that additional efforts, including health promotion and awareness materials, are needed to increase vaccination coverage to over 95%.[Source: Government and Media]
- A surge in influenza cases reported in Australia. Numbers reported for March 2019 is three times more compared to previous years. [Source: Media]
Ebola Virus Disease
- Democratic Republic of Congo: As of 8 April 2019, cumulative number of cases is 1,168 cases, 72 additional cases from the previous week (1,102 confirmed, 66 probable) including 741 deaths (CFR 63.4%) reported from 23 health zones in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces. Latest updates are available in the DRC Ministry of Health situation report and AFRO EVD situation report. Regular updates are published in WHO's Disease Outbreak News
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
- From 1 through 28 February 2019, the National International Health Regulation Focal Point of Saudi Arabia reported 68 additional cases of MERS-CoV infection, including 10 deaths. From 2012 through 28 February 2019, the total number of laboratory-confirmed MERS cases reported globally to WHO is 2,374 with 823 associated deaths. Most recent update is published in WHO's Disease Outbreak News