Acute Fever and Rash: Tonga and French Polynesia Prolong Fever: Solomon Islands – alter is under verification
Other updates:
RMI Dengue serotype-3 outbreak is ongoing (week 44) in the Republic of Marshall Islands. As of 15 March 2020, there have been 3,166 dengue cases, 1479 were laboratory confirmed and 2 deaths reported since June 2019. 74 new dengue like cases were seen in the last 7 days, 87% of cases were from Majuro. MOH is closely monitoring the dengue situation through active surveillance. [Source: RMI Dengue outbreak Situation Report March 15, 2020]
Ongoing dengue outbreak in Cook Islands since last year 28, January 2019. As of 12, March 2020, there have been 147 dengue probable cases, 48 (43 DENV-1 and 5 DENV-2) were laboratory confirmed cases and no death reported. This year, January to 12 March 2020, 69 cases including 4 DENV-1, and 2 DENV-2 were reported and no deaths due to dengue.
Malaysia One case of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus 1 (cVDPV1) was reported in Sabah province with onset of paralysis 18 January making it the first case in 2020. The total number of cases fir 2019 remains three. Please refer to the country website.
Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID -19)
As of 18 March 2020, a total of 191,127 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed globally. WHO RISK ASSESSMENT at global level is remains very high.
Of these, Western Pacific Region 91 845 cases; European Region 74 760 cases; South-East Asia Region 538 cases; Eastern Mediterranean Region 18 060 cases; Regions of the Americas 4979 cases; African Region 233 cases were reported.
Pacific Island Countries: As of 18 March 2020, French Polynesia, Tahiti 3 cases and Guam 3 cases confirmed for COVID-19. Fiji has reported the first imported case of COVID-19 on 19th March 2020. Intensive contact tracing is ongoing.
WHO, the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and UNICEF jointly released the Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Action Plan Guidance for COVID-19 on 16 March. It is a tool to support national health authorities, responders and other partners to develop, implement and monitor action plans for communicating effectively with the public and engaging with communities, local partners and other stakeholders.
Ebola - Democratic Republic of the Congo
There have been no new cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) reported in the ongoing outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 17 February 2020.
As of 17 March 2020, a total of 3444 EVD cases were reported from 29 health zones (Table 1), including 3310 confirmed and 134 probable cases, of which 2264 cases died (overall case fatality ratio 66%). Of the total confirmed and probable cases, 56% (n=1931) were female, 28% (n=975) were children aged less than 18 years, and 5% (n=171) were health care workers. Investigation and testing are still ongoing. Latest updates on the situation in DRC are available in the WHO EVD outbreak dashboard and AFRO EVD situation report Regular updates are published in WHO’s Disease Outbreak News