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Pacific Syndromic Surveillance System Weekly Bulletin / Système de Surveillance Syndromique dans le Pacifique - Bulletin Hebdomadaire: W10 2020 (Mar 02-Mar 08)


Acute Fever and Rash : Tonga and Vanuatu – alert is under verification

Other updates:


  • RMI Dengue serotype-3 outbreak is ongoing (week 43) in Majuro in the Republic of Marshall Islands. As of 8 March 2020, there have been 3,121 dengue cases, 1479 were laboratory confirmed and 2 deaths reported since June 2019. 90 new cases were seen in the last 7 days, 76% of cases were from Majuro. MOH is closely monitoring the dengue situation through active surveillance. [Source: RMI Dengue outbreak Situation Report March 8, 2020]


  • Philippines is affected by both circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1) and circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) since 19 September 2019.
  • On 3 March 2020, no cVDPV1 case was reported. The total number of cVDPV2 cases reported in 2020 remains one and 13 in 2019. Only two cVDPV1 cases were reported in the country from 2019. For more information here. .

Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID -19)

  • As of 12 March 2020, a total of 125,048 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed globally.

  • Of these, China reported 80,981 confirmed cases and 3173 deaths from 34 provinces, regions or cities. 44,067 confirmed cases and 1440 deaths have been reported from 117 countries outside China and include cases from Italy (12,462), Republic of Korea (7,869), Iran (9,000).

-As of 12 March 2020, the first Pacific Islands Country French Polynesia, Tahiti has reported 1 imported case from Paris. Today 2 more new cases have been confirmed for COVID-19.

-Updates on COVID-19 Clinical Management Guidance, will be released shortly, and includes detailed information on care of mild and severe disease, children, pregnant and postpartum women and breastfeeding. WHO Clinical Care Training materials are still available on covering approaches to clinical care from triage to protective ventilation.

Ebola - Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • As of 8 March 2020, no new cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) have been reported since 17 February 2020. A total of 3444 EVD cases were reported from 29 health zones (3310 confirmed and 134 probable cases), of which 2264 cases died (CFR 66%). Of the total cases, 56% (n=1927) were female, 28% (n=973) were children <18 years age, and 5% (n=171) were health care workers.

  • Maintenance of response operations outlined by WHO is required to prevent re-emergence and for declaring the end of the EVD outbreak. Latest updates on the situation in DRC are available in the WHO EVD outbreak dashboard and AFRO EVD situation reportRegular updates are published in WHO’s Disease Outbreak News