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Pacific Syndromic Surveillance System Weekly Bulletin / Système de Surveillance Syndromique dans le Pacifique - Bulletin Hebdomadaire: W45 2019 (Nov 04-Nov 10) [EN]


The following syndromes have been flagged:

  • Acute Fever and Rash: Fiji, French Polynesia, Northern Marianna Islands, Tonga, Wallis and Futuna

Other updates:


  • Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services declared an outbreak following the confirmation of cases in the Serua/Namosi subdivision. There have been four confirmed cases, all linked. [Source: Media]

  • There are ongoing outbreaks in Tonga and Samoa.

  • From 1 January 2019 to 14 November 2019 there have been 2052 confirmed cases of measles notified across New Zealand (NZ). Of these cases, 1656 (80%) of these confirmed cases are in the Auckland region. [Source: MoH NZ]


  • Outbreak is ongoing in Yap state, Federated States of Micronesia. As of week ending 3 November there were 77 dengue-like illness cases, bringing the total to 1071 cases since 1 January 2019. The weekly number of cases appears to be plateauing. Dengue serotype-3 is in circulation. There have been three death associated to the outbreak. [Source: Dengue-3 outbreak Yap state Situation report #15]

  • French Polynesia dengue serotype-2 is ongoing; there have been 1890 cases since the beginning of the outbreak earlier this year. [Source: French Polynesia surveillance bulletin 3 Nov 2019]

  • As of 10 November there have been 1,085 dengue-like illness cases in the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI). Dengue serotype-3 is in circulation. The outbreak is slowing down in Ebeye, continuing in Majuro, with cases reported from Rongrong and Utrik. There has been one death from Majuro. [Source: RMI dengue-3 outbreak Situation Report 10 Nov 2019]


  • Ongoing outbreak in Yap state, Federated States of Micronesia. The weekly number of cases in decreasing. As of 3 November 2019, there have been 147 case, with one associated death. [Source: Leptospirosis outbreak, Yap State, Situation report #17]

Ebola Virus Disease

  • Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): As of 12 November 2019, the cumulative number of Ebola cases is 3,291 (3,173 confirmed, 118 probable) from 29 health zones in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri Provinces, including 2,192 deaths (CFR 67%). WHO External situation report for Ebola in DRC is available here. On 17 July 2019, the outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Latest updates on the situation in DRC are available in the DRC Ministry of Health situation report, WHO EVD outbreak dashboard and AFRO EVD situation report. Regular updates are published in WHO's Disease Outbreak News.