The following syndrome has been flagged:
- Acute Fever and Rash: Niue, Samoa, Tonga
- Dengue-like illness: Palau
Other updates:
Samoa outbreak declared on 16 October, 2019 with 7 confirmed cases. The Ministry of Health (MoH) is advising people to get vaccinated. Source: Media
Queensland, Australia has been notified of 8 cases of measles in Brisbane's southside area. The case had travel history from New Zealand to Australia but unclear if likely infected in New Zealand. Queensland health have issued an alert for Southern Brisbane. Source: Government
From 1 January 2019 to 17 October 2019 there have been 1850 confirmed cases of measles notified across New Zealand. 1495 of these confirmed cases are in the Auckland region. Source: MoH NZ
A mass measles vaccination campaign is underway in Solomon Islands. The Health Ministry aims to vaccinate 90,000 children against the highly-infectious disease. Vaccination posts will be set up in towns and villages around the country, with parents being encouraged to bring children aged between six months and five years for an injection. Source
- Yap state, FSM: A total of 67 new cases were seen during epi week 41 (1.5% increase from week 40) bringing the total of 893 cases since January 1, 2019. 23 cases had positive RDT this week (32% decrease from week 40) bringing the total positive RDT of 264 (243 NS1 and 21 IgM)There were 10 cases were admitted in epi week 41, bringing the total of admissions up to 96 in all. [Source: Leptospirosis Situation report No.12]
- Marshall Islands : As of 13 October 2019, there have been 715 dengue like illness of which 207 have been lab confirmed. The outbreak week is slowing down in Ebeye and ongoing in Majuro. There have been no cases reported in the outer atolls. Symptom and age profile of cases is typical for dengue fever. One death and one severe dengue patient evacuated out-of-country to date
- Yap state, FSM: There was one Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) positive case seen during epi Week 41, bringing the total of 139 RDT positive cases since January 1, 2019. The overall attack rate for Yap is 12.1/1000 and the highest attack rate (19.1/1000) are among those over 60 years old. There were no Leptospirosis admissions in this reporting week. Total hospital admissions still remains at 34. Still no death associated with the leptospirosis outbreak. [ Dengue situation report No.14]
Ebola Virus Disease
- In the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC), as of 15 October 2019, the cumulative number of Ebola cases is 3,227 (3,113 confirmed, 114 probable) from 29 health zones in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri Provinces, including 2,142 deaths (CFR 67%). WHO External situation report for Ebola in DRC is available here. On 17 July 2019, the outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Latest updates on the situation in DRC are available in the DRC Ministry of Health situation report, WHO EVD outbreak dashboard and AFRO EVD situation report. Regular updates are published in WHO's Disease Outbreak News