The following syndrome has been flagged:
- Acute Fever and Rash: Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Northern Marianna Islands
Other updates:
On 6 August 2019, the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) declared a State of Health Emergency due to a dengue serotype-3 outbreak. There have been 16 confirmed (RT-PCR) by Hawaii State Laboratory and 276 dengue-like illness cases as of 30 August, 219 cases in Ebeye (attack rate = 18.4 per 1,000 population), 57 cases in Majuro (attack rate 2.2 per 1,000 population). Of the confirmed cases 11 were from Ebeye and 5 cases were from Majuro. There have been no deaths reported. [Source:RMI Dengue-Like Illness report 1 Sep 2019]
Yap state, FSM: There have been a total of 406 dengue-like illness cases of which 91 cases were reported dengue Rapid Diagnostic Test positive. The weekly number of cases is increasing. Dengue serotype-3 was identified by the Guam Public Health Laboratory. There were 14 reported co-infection cases with leptospirosis. There have been 32 hospitalised cases and one death reported. [Source: Dengue-3 outbreak Yap State, Report No.5, Report date: 30 August, 2019]
- Yap state, FSM: There have been a total of 378 suspected cases from 1 January to 25 August 2019; of which 82 were reported Rapid Diagnostic Test positive. Of these cases 14 were co-infected with dengue. The weekly number of suspected dengue cases is increasing There have been 25 hospitalised cases, no deaths have been reported. [Source: Yap EpiNet Leptospirosis Situation Report No.7 Report date: 30 August 2019]
As of week ending 2 September there were 132 additional cases in New Zealand, bringing a total of 773 cases since 1 January 2019; including 282 hospitalisations (36.5 %). This is the greatest number of cases reported in a week since the beginning of the outbreak. Of the 132 new cases; the greatest proportion was in Pacific Islanders (49.2%) ethnic group.
[ Source: MoH NZ ]
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
- Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): As of 26 August 2019, the cumulative number of cases is 2,983 (2,878 confirmed, 105 probable) including 1,990 deaths (CFR 66.7%) reported from 28 health zones in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri Provinces. The new external situation report for Ebola is DRC available here. On 17 July 2019, the outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Latest updates on the situation in DRC are available in the DRC Ministry of Health situation report, WHO EVD outbreak dashboard and AFRO EVD situation report. Regular updates are published in WHO’s Disease Outbreak News.