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Pacific Syndromic Surveillance System Weekly Bulletin / Système de Surveillance Syndromique dans le Pacifique - Bulletin Hebdomadaire: W25 2019 (Jun 17-Jun 23)


The following syndrome has been flagged:

  • Acute Fever and Rash: French Polynesia, Samoa, Vanuatu

Other updates:


  • Kiribati MoH reported one imported case (Dengue Duo RDT NS1+ve) in a visitor from Fiji with recent travel to Tuvalu. [Source: Kiribati MoH]

  • Tuvalu : As of 23 June there have been 476 dengue like- illness cases; of which 211 were laboratory confirmed. There have been 21 hospitalisations and two deaths in cases with severe dengue. Majority of the cases (45%) are in children < 10 years. [Tuvalu dengue Sit Rep 26 June 2019]


  • As of week ending 21 June there were 7 additional cases in New Zealand bringing a total of 221 cases since 1 January 2019. [Source: NZ MoH]

Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

  • According to Ugandan MOH press release, so far there have been three confirmed cases of Ebola including three deaths. As of 18 June, there is no confirmed cases in Uganda. As of 21 June, there are no new suspect cases under admission and 110 contacts being followed up. Contacts will be visited daily for 21 days until the last contact completes follow-up on 2 July. Latest updates are available in the Uganda Ministry of Health press release and AFRO EVD situation report.

  • Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): As of 25 June 2019, the cumulative number of cases is 2,277 cases (2,183 confirmed, 94 probable) including 1,531 deaths (CFR 67.2%) reported from 22 health zones in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces. Latest updates are available in the DRC Ministry of Health situation report and AFRO EVD situation report. Regular updates are published in WHO’s Disease Outbreak News.