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Pacific syndromic surveillance report: Week 8, ending 26 February 2017


The following syndrome has been flagged:

· Influenza-like illness: Niue

Other updates:


· There is an increase in the number of dengue cases reported in Fiji and American Samoa, dengue serotype-2 has been identified in both countries.

· Nauru declared an outbreak on 25 February 2017.

· Vanuatu: dengue serotype-2 outbreak ongoing with 1,831 cases as of 2 March 2017, including 45 hospitalisations (since Nov 2016). Source: Vanuatu MoH

• New Caledonia: As of 21 February 2017 there have been 1,163 cases since 1 September 2016. There have been 3 deaths reported. Dengue virus serotypes 1, 2 and 3 are in circulation. Source: Department of Health & Social Affairs, New Caledonia


· Pohnpei state (FSM) reports increased number of cases diarrhoea in one village with cases mostly in children less than five years of age. Awareness and prevention messages have been relayed using mass media.