Qatar Fund For Development (QFFD) signed an agreement with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency to provide much-needed seasonal cash assistance for tens of thousands of refugee men, women and children. The cash assistance, which will be distributed until the end of December 2019, is expected to support over 20,900 Syrian refugees in Jordan and around 24,900 in Lebanon.
- “We are thankful to the Qatar Fund For Development,the generous people of Qatar, and the government and leaderhip of Qatar for this much-needed contribution. Winter is a critical time for hundreds of thousands of vulnerable refugee families across the Middle East and North Africa region. The ability to provide winter assistance and more importantly, cash asisstance is integral to safeguarding their wellbeing during this diffcult season” said Amin Awad, UNHCR Director for the Middle East and North Africa Bureau and Regional Refugee Coordinator for the Syria and Iraq situations
- UNHCR’s Winterization Appeal was launched in September this year timely and substantial support for some 88 million refugees and internally displaced persons in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt in winter. However, funding gaps remain as the winter chill spreads across the region, forcing many to endure their ninth consecutive winter in displacement.
- The provision of cash assistance allows displaced families to prioritise their needs and spending, with many utilising seasonal cash assistance for heating, rent, warm clothing and other winter essentials.
QFFD’s contributions to UNHCR’s programmes have supported over 600,000 refugees and internally displaced persons in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Bangladesh and Yemen.