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Outcomes of the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Policy Dialogue


The urgent need for new CVA policy commitments to drive progress on people-centred and locally-led response

The CVA Policy Dialogue Outcomes document captures the discussions and recommendations from a consultation that took place across the world about the future of cash and voucher assistance (CVA). It highlights the urgent need for renewed CVA policy commitments that prioritize people-centered and locally-led approaches in humanitarian response.

What You’ll Find in This Document:

  • A Synthesis of Perspectives: It summarizes a series of extensive consultations with over 500 stakeholders around the world. The dialogue began by centering the experiences and insights of local and national actors, then expanded to include perspectives from UN agencies, NGOs, donors, the Red Cross Red Crescent and the private sector.
  • Why CVA Demands Urgent Attention: With humanitarian funding shrinking and needs escalating, it emphasizes the vital role of CVA. When utilized effectively, CVA has the potential to be up to 50% of all international humanitarian aid. However, the current trajectory of CVA falls short of this potential.
  • Clarifying “Locally-Led”: A key challenge identified is the inconsistent understanding of what constitutes “locally-led CVA.” It looks at the differing definitions used by various stakeholders, including the IASC, the Grand Bargain, UN agencies, and local and national NGOs. This lack of shared understanding creates confusion and can hinder progress.
  • Putting People at the Centre: While stakeholders generally agree on the importance of “people-centered CVA,” the document reveals nuances in their interpretations. The report provides clarity by outlining the core principles of people-centered CVA:
    • Programme design should prioritize the needs, preferences, and priorities of crisis-affected people.
    • Responses must address the diverse needs and preferences within affected communities.
    • Ideally communities should lead on programme design but minimally community feedback must be actively sought and meaningfully integrated throughout the programme cycle.
  • Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Practice: While policy commitments to CVA have advanced, there’s a pressing need to translate these commitments into concrete action. The Policy Dialogue outcome document calls for a critical examination of the factors, including mindsets and power dynamics, that contribute to this gap.
  • Charting a way forward: The document outlines actionable steps to accelerate the shift towards more people-centered and locally-led CVA:
    • Empower Local Actors: Increase direct funding to local organizations, invest in their capacity, and shift decision-making power towards them.
    • Strengthen Partnerships: Foster more equitable partnerships between international and local actors, moving away from transactional relationships toward a model of shared leadership.
    • Reimagine Funding Mechanisms: Explore innovative financing mechanisms that provide local actors with greater access to resources and reduce reliance on traditional donor structures.
    • Prioritize Community Engagement: Implement practical steps to ensure CVA programmes genuinely reflect the voices and preferences of affected communities.
    • Embrace Multi-Purpose Cash: Expand the use of multi-purpose cash assistance to provide recipients with greater flexibility and choice.

A Call to Action for the CVA Community

The CVA Policy Dialogue Outcomes document serves as a call to action for the entire humanitarian community. It urges stakeholders to move beyond dialogue and embrace bold actions to ensure that CVA lives up to its potential as a transformative tool that empowers crisis-affected communities.


Kate Hart
Head of Policy, Evidence and Learning
Location: United Kingdom