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OCHA Pooled Funds Response To COVID-19 - Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) Response to COVID-19 PANDEMIC, As of 30 March 2020


CERF and CBPFs have provided a combined US$78.3 million to COVID-19 pandemic responses. So far programmes in 15 countries have been supported through these funds and additional countries are being identified under the Global COVID-19 HRP. The allocations will save lives by scaling up preparedness and prevention measures, stopping the further transmission of the virus and mitigating the impacts of the pandemic.

1.2 million people targeted by CBPFs Sudan 484,000 Afghanistan 464,000 Jordan 273,000 oPt 5,000 CERF: On 1 March, the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) released $15 million from CERF’s rapid response window to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Funding will help WHO to carry out life-saving activities across eight priority countries, including response coordination, surveillance and case investigation, risk communication, and infection prevention and control. CERF funds will also enable UNICEF to mitigate the social and economic impacts of the epidemic, particularly on women and children.

On 25 March, the ERC has also announced an additional allocation of $US 60 million to kick-start the global Covid-19 appeal.

This will bring CERF’s support to humanitarian action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to $75 million. UN agencies are in the process of identifying priority countries to receive CERF funds.

CBPFs: Based on an analysis of national contexts, the risk of outbreak and local health capacities, Humanitarian Coordinators and CBPF advisory boards in four CERF data will be available shortly countries launched allocations in response to COVID-19. In Afghanistan, occupied Palestinian territory and Sudan, CBPFs are supporting WHO efforts in fighting the pandemic. In Jordan, the Jordan Humanitarian Fund is supporting UNICEF to boost preparedness and prevention measures in refugee communities. Other CBPFs are currently closely monitoring the situation in collaboration with WHO, humanitarian partners and health authorities in anticipation of potential allocations.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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