Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA


This is OCHA (2015)


OCHA delivers its mandate through…

OCHA brings together people, tools and experience to save lives OCHA helps Governments access tools and services that provide life-saving relief. We deploy rapid-response teams, and we work with partners to assess needs, take action, secure funds, produce reports and facilitate civil-military coordination.

OCHA speaks on behalf of people affected by conflict and disaster Using a range of channels and platforms, OCHA speaks out publicly when necessary. We work behind the scenes, negotiating on issues such as access, humanitarian principles, and protection of civilians and aid workers, to ensure aid is where it needs to be.

OCHA collects, analyses and shares critical information OCHA gathers and shares reliable data on where crisis-affected people are, what they urgently need and who is best placed to assist them. Information products support swift decision-making and planning. HUMANITARIAN FINANCING OCHA organizes and monitors humanitarian funding OCHA’s financial-tracking tools and services help manage humanitarian donations from more than 130 countries.

OCHA provides guidance and clarity on humanitarian policy OCHA identifies and analyses trends and helps the humanitarian community develop common policy based on human rights, international law and humanitarian principles.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit