Associazione Italiana Amici de Raoul Follereau (AIFO), Mozambique
AIFO will focus on strengthening community awareness and engagement, particularly for people with disabilities, in the three provinces most affected by Cyclones ldai and Kenneth, one of which is also highly impacted by COVID19. AIFO is developing inclusive awareness-raising materials in collaboration with community-based committees (including women's associations, local organizations of persons with disabilities, local humanitarian partners, and disability and health service providers). Materials will be developed in Portuguese, multiple local languages, as well as in sign language, with captioning for all video products. Audio and video messages will be spread through radio and social media, and supported by sign language to reach the hearing impaired.
Childline Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Childline Zimbabwe will develop age-appropriate PSEA-awareness raising approaches for children at risk in the Tongogara refugee camp, which hosts 14,478 refugees from DRC, Mozambique, Rwanda and Burundi. The project will establish PSEA committees involving community representatives and will train both students and teachers on PSEA issues. Schoolchildren will be positively engaged to participate in creative multi-media exercises, including theatre, poetry, and songs, to develop and circulate key messages on PSEA.
Grassroots Initiative for Gender and Development (GRID), Nigeria
GRID is working with IDP women and girls to raise awareness of existing Community-based Complaints Mechanisms (CBCMs), whilst strengthening safe and confidential entry points to disclose SEA and request assistance, including through health and social welfare centers. The project will address needs identified by GRID’s 2019 PSEA assessment, which found increased SEA risks amongst IDP women and girls facing the loss of livelihoods as well as family members, which have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Structured dialogues will be held with diverse stakeholders, including communities themselves, to ensure all SEA reporting channels AGD-sensitive and accessible, including for people with disabilities.
Réseau des Associations de Promotion des Droits de l’Homme au Kasaï (RAPRODHOK), DRC
The Réseau des Associations de Promotion des Droits de l’Homme au Kasaï (RAPRODHOK) is addressing SEA risks amongst the returnee population by raising community awareness through mixed media outreach tools, whilst empowering the community to utilize PSEA reporting mechanisms, including CBCMs. Given restrictions on large community gatherings linked to COVID-19 prevention, the NGO conducted a series of smaller, targeted focus group discussions (FGDs) with AGD-specific groups to sustain community consultation, whilst maintaining social distance and minimizing risks of infection. This methodology will be sustained to ensure ongoing community consultation, whilst maintaining COVID-19 prevention measures.
The Society for the Promotion of Initiatives in Sustainable Development and Welfare (SOPISDEW), Cameroon
As ongoing conflict continues to exacerbate humanitarian crises in North-West and South-West Cameroon, the Society for the Promotion of Initiatives in Sustainable Development and Welfare SOPISDEW is engaging with the Cameroon Community Media Network of organizations (which includes 57 radio stations, 13 TV stations, 29 newspapers and magazines, and 10 online news outlets) to expand information and awareness about PSEA and reporting channels in six regions in Cameroon. All activities incorporate robust community consultation.
Universal Intervention and Development Organisation (UNIDOR), South Sudan
Universal Intervention and Development Organisation (UNIDOR) is working to ensure that all key messages on PSEA, as well as the channels through which they are distributed, are developed in partnership with affected people to be AGD sensitive and effective (for instance, with respect to reaching children at risk and persons with disabilities). The project emphasizes community consultation to analyze new restrictions and impacts posed by COVID-19, and working with affected people to ensure that all awareness-raising materials and approaches are adapted to meet these emerging needs and developments. UNIDOR will also hold community discussions on how complaints and feedback mechanisms (CFMs) can be made more trusted, accessible and effective.