Next Generation Disaster Data Infrastructure is a study report of IRDR Working Group on DATA and the CODATA Task Group on Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research. The research was supported by Chinese Academy of Science and Tonkin+Taylor.
This white paper proposes the next generation of disaster data infrastructure, which includes both novel and the most essential information systems and services that a country or a region can depend on to successfully gather, process and display disaster data to reduce the impact of natural hazards.
Based on the above discussion and the targets of the Sendai Framework, this white paper proposes the next generation of disaster data infrastructure natural hazards. Fundamental requirements of disaster data infrastructure include (1) effective multi-source big disaster data collection (2) efficient big disaster data fusion, exchange, and query, (3) strict big disaster data quality control and standard construction (4) real time big data analysis and decision making and (5) user-friendly big data visualization.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: First, several future scenarios of disaster management are developed based on existing disaster management systems and communication technology. Second, fundamental requirements of next generation disaster data infrastructure inspired by the proposed scenarios are discussed. Following that, research questions and issues are highlighted. Finally, policy recommendations and conclusions are provided at the end of the paper.