This version of the synthesis report on nationally determined contributions synthesizes information from the 164 latest available nationally determined contributions communicated by the 191 Parties to the Paris Agreement and recorded in the interim registry of nationally determined contributions as at 30 July 2021.
I. Executive summary
This report has been prepared in response to the requests from COP 21 and CMA 21 for the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report on NDCs submitted by Parties. In view of the postponement from 2020 to 2021 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Glasgow and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the preparation of NDCs, the secretariat informed Parties that it would publish two editions of the NDC synthesis report: an initial version by 28 February 2021 and the full version in advance of the pre-COP meeting, scheduled for 30 September to 2 October 2021.
This full version of the report synthesizes information from the 164 latest available NDCs, representing all 191 Parties to the Paris Agreement, including the 86 new or updated NDCs communicated by 113 Parties, recorded in the interim NDC registry as at 30 July 2021, covering 93.1 per cent of the total global emissions in 2019, which are estimated at 52.4 Gt CO2 eq without LULUCF.
The COP and CMA guidance on the information necessary for clarity, transparency and understanding of NDCs was used as a framework for synthesizing the relevant information contained in the communicated NDCs, which was supplemented by the synthesis of other information included in the NDCs but not covered by the guidance. The synthesized information is presented for all the represented Parties taken together.
Almost all4 Parties provided the information necessary to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding of their NDCs in accordance with the COP guidance, with almost all Parties that submitted new or updated NDCs already applying the relevant further CMA guidance.
All Parties provided information on mitigation targets or mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation actions and/or economic diversification plans. The mitigation targets range from economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets to strategies, plans and actions for low-emission development. In their NDCs:
(a) Most Parties provided quantified mitigation targets, expressed as clear numerical targets, while some included strategies, plans and actions as components of their NDCs for which there is no quantifiable information;
(b) Most Parties communicated economy-wide targets, covering all or almost all sectors defined in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, with an increasing number of Parties moving to absolute emission reduction targets in their new or updated NDCs;
(c) In terms of GHGs, almost all NDCs cover CO2 emissions, most cover CH4 and N2O emissions, many cover HFC emissions and some cover PFC, SF6 and NF3 emissions;
(d) Some Parties provided information on mitigation co-benefits resulting from their adaptation actions and/or economic diversification plans, mostly in combination with other targets;
(e) Most of the Parties that submitted new or updated NDCs have strengthened their commitment to reducing or limiting GHG emissions by 2025 and/or 2030, demonstrating increased ambition in addressing climate change.
- Almost all Parties communicated an NDC implementation period of until 2030, while a few specified an implementation period of until 2025, 2035, 2040 or 2050. Many Parties identified 1 January 2021 as their starting date for NDC implementation; many others indicated that they started implementing their NDC in or before 2020; and a few Parties will start doing so from 2022.
[Read full executive summary in attachment]